Thursday, 14 July 2011

Bad taste in music? Here’s how to avoid sharing on Spotify

We all have our secret Lady Gaga songs tucked away in our playlist or the 80's Monster Ballads that are loved rather than ironic affectations, so now as the streaming music service Spotify comes to the U.S. here’s how to avoid sharing the skeletons in your musical closet.

First things first. The default setting for Spotify music sharing is public on everything so if you want to get control of that, go to the top right corner where you should see your profile. Click it, then you should get an option to edit your profile as shown here:

When you click through that edit button, you get the area where you have granular control of what people see. Every time I open this screen, it automatically checks the box that has me automatically sharing new playlists, so uncheck that if you don’t want to share your new creations. Otherwise, click the slider and it will switch your playlists from public to private. Only one of mine is shared at the moment, and as you can see below, the shared OM playlist is green.

For those wondering what the results look like on the other side, Mathew kindly checked out my profile and shared the results here:

In these examples, I have shared my Spotify via Facebook, which means people who are friends with me on Facebook and who connect their Spotify accounts can see me on Spotify, and I can share songs by posting them to Facebook. However, when sharing a non-public song or playlist with someone on Facebook, then friends can see the song and playlist even if it isn’t public normally.

For those who don’t connect Spotify with their Facebook accounts, this is less complicated, although people can still find you by typing “spotify:user:username” into the search bar if they know your user name. Then people can only see your shared playlists. Plus, you can tweet public playlists out and can offer people access to them (there’s also a widget you could post on your blog or Tumblr). So, if you stop to manage your profile — even if you haven’t connected the service to Facebook — and be careful of what you share via social networks, you should be able to keep your unholy love of ABBA in the closet if you wish.

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